Wednesday, February 01, 2006

i had a dream

george clooney came to me in my dreams last night. he walked right into my bedroom and told me that he did a great job of shaving. "kafka, my dog, take a look at this excellent shave. notice how the goatee is perfectly shaped. look how smooth the bottom of my chin is. this is going to be a most excellent day." i had to agree with him. his face was a wonderous thing. he could see the agreement in my eyes so he reached into his front right pocket and pulled out two milkbone brand dog biscuits, kingsize of course. he placed one of them on the top of my snout and i did that trick where i flip it up into the air and catch it before it falls to the ground. he seemed very proud of me. he took the other milkbone brand dog biscuit and put it into his mouth. i sat down in front of him and watched as george clooney chewed up a milkbone brand dog biscuit. when crumbs would fall out of the sides of his mouth i would catch them before they had a chance to hit the ground. we were a great team.

i woke up very happy this morning.


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