i read something that caught my nose
they left a back issue of the believer magazine open on the bathroom floor. so when they were gone i went to have a look. i can't turn pages, what with the paws and all, so luckily it was laying open to a very interesting page. i didn't read the whole story, in fact i just read the opening paragraph. but that was enough to spark this entry. the writer, i'm not sure what his name is, said something along the lines that people remember through story, they imagine the future through story, and they think through narrative. story and humans are forever linked. it got me thinking what about us canines. as far as i can tell i don't think with any narrative structure. more like i paint pictures in my mind with my nose. i smell things, these smells stay in my feeble brain, like pictures. i can conjure up these images/smells when i'm feeling lonely or hungry. i also can predict the future through smell. when it is almost 7pm i start smelling my food even though it is locked away in the pantry. then the big one opens the pantry and i'm not just smelling the food in my mind, i'm actually sticking my gaping maw into my bowl and swallowing the little smelly morsels whole.
just thought you might be interested.
just thought you might be interested.