Friday, February 20, 2009

we are in a downturn

no duh. actually i originally entitled this post "things suck" but then i remembered that my last post used the word suck in it as well. i don't usually like to be that blatantly redundant. hence the suckless title.

i've been down lately, which is really the thoughts behind the title. the economy really doesn't make much of a difference to me. and i can't really understand the news. oh i understand what the journalists are saying. i write for god sakes. i just don't understand the concept of listening to rich journalist/celebrities talk about what real americans are thinking. how do they know? you know who pisses me off the most...that cokie roberts. god i hate her. if she were here right now, i'd show her my teeth.

the other day i met a cat online. i usually like to chase cats. but it is next to impossible to chase cats on the computer. when i'm being walked and that scent just waffles to my nose. makes the hair on my back stand up. i have to start pulling the leash. i have to chase. must chase. must run. not sure what i would do if i ever caught up to the cat. i'll leave that up to your imagination.

so the cat's name is kierkegaard. can you believe it? kierkegaard is old, wise and doesn't do anything but chat on the computer when his peeps are gone. talk about depressing. he completely lives up to his name. we had this long talk about abraham sacrificing isaac the other morning. all i wanted to talk about was bureaucracy and he kept coming back to existential angst. now i'll grant you he has some pretty interesting insights. although what a downer. now i'm no clown, i admit. i can bring readers down as quickly as the next dog, but look out for kierkegaard especially if you are prone to depression. this should not be interpreted as a slam on that cat. he is pretty great and damn what a mind. but it seems like in this day and age all the smart ones are depressing. guess that is what happens after eight years of being ruled by a complete amoral idiot.

oh and another thing. i overheard someone at the bus stop saying that this down economy is clinton's fault. they said there is a lag in the timing of the economy. she said that in 8 years we'll all experience the bush boom. can you believe the stupidity of some people? just had to get that off my chest. now if i wanted to be nice i'd say that no one likes to admit that their entire philosophical under girding and belief system is completely fucked. because what would that leave you? everything you believed in has been proven unequivocally fucked. doesn't leave much to live for. so instead of blaming your heroes and their beliefs and policies you come up with a cockamamie excuse. and since there is nothing in your head anyway, the fox news talking points make a great crutch to lean on.

thanks kierkegaard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the plus side, Kierkegaard thinks things will get better now that Obama is in office. :)

10:49 AM  

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